Performance Coaching

✅ Learn about about the Psychology of Achievement

✅ Produce Your Best When it Counts the Most

✅ Get the most out of yourself, whatever your endeavour

Stephanie Kakris has a Masters in Sport Psychology and a passion for
helping people perform at their peak … when it really counts

You’ve heard it stated over and over again… “80% of sport at the elite level is played above the shoulders”.
But how much time and energy do most athletes and performers put into training their mind?

For the vast majority, it is nowhere near 80%.


That’s because most people don’t understand that mental skills can be

vastly improved with the right training just as physical skills can.



We know you are aiming high. The rush that occurs when you have a taste of excellence is what keeps you coming back for more. We will help you deepen your understanding of what is required for excellence in every aspect of what you do.



Flow is a highly productive, almost effortless “Zone” where your mindset, mission and the Universe are all working in harmony to allow everything to fall into place. Learning how to replicate this is the key to consistent performance.



If you still love what you do, but you’ve lost some passion or dedication along the way, let’s discover what’s at the bottom of it and make a plan to move forward.

Our Performance Coaching provides assistance with the following:

✅ Mindset for Peak Performance
✅ Overcoming Performance Anxiety and Choking
✅ Maintaining concentration and focus

✅ Guided Visualisation
✅ Goal Setting

✅ Psychology of Injury & mind-body connection for injury prevention and rehabilitation
✅ Motivation
✅ Overcoming burnout
✅ Effective Leadership for Captains, Coaches and Managers
✅ Team Building